Wednesday Newsletter June 9th 2021



JUNE 9th 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians and of course Boys and Girls,    

What a very busy week we have had and what a busy week we will have !!!

So far, we have had fantastic days of fun and sports with coaches from GAA, Yoga, Gymnastics and Jay Sua Muay Thai (gentle kick boxing) as well as Rounders and Hula Hoop Competitions. We are also endeavouring to walk a Million Steps in the school between the children and staff. We had great fun when we dropped everything and Ran yesterday!!

Tomorrow, June 10th, will be the Junior Sports’ Day when the younger children will experience all the expertise of the coaches mentioned already. Next week, the Tony Lawlor Trophy will be competed for, even though it has to be a shorter version given the shorter year we have had in school.

The boys ands girls of 6th Class will be awarded their prizes and medals on their Graduation Day which will take place Monday June 28th at 12 noon, via ZOOM. Alas, given the current situation, no one will be able to attend physically apart from the children and staff in the school. The finer details will be confirmed in the next few days.

Here is a message from our wonderful Parents’ Association:

Hello everyone,

If we could ask that the parents of Junior Infants up to 2nd Class to bring in or pay via Aladdin (online banking) the €9 for the Wooly Farm which will be coming to the school on June 22nd.

Also, a gentle reminder that the Sponsored Walk will take place next Tuesday (weather permitting). Please ensure that the children are wearing runners, hats, suncream and bring their own drink bottles. The P/A are hoping to raise €5000 for the school towards the purchase of 35 new tablets for the children. Your support of this year’s major fundraiser is greatly appreciated. Please return all sponsorship money to the school office.

If any parent/guardian is available to marshall the Sponsored Walk, please let your class rep know and bring a hi-vis jacket (if you have one)

Many thanks,

The Parents’ Association.

This coming Friday, June 11th, your children’s reports will be posted to you. Along with the report will be the school calendar for 2021/2022, as well as the School Uniform Policy, as well as the Booklist for your child for next year as well as an explanatory note regarding the Standardised Tests.

And now for some lovely Art Work from Senior Infants, First and Second Classes.

Senior Infants Animal Stencils

First Class Art Eco-friendly

2nd Class Mr Dunne Rainy Day Art


2nd Class Mrs Wolohan Octopus’s Garden!!

And now for Miss Murray’s incredibly funny jokes! ???? ????

What do you call a duck that gets all A’s in his tests??……..A wise quacker!!

What time is it when the clock strikes 13?? …..Time to get a new clock!!

Take care and stay safe.

Best wishes always,


Miss Niamh Murray (Principal)

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