Wednesday Newsletter May 12th 2021



MAY 12TH  2021

Dear Parents/Guardians and of course Boys and Girls,    

Well, we nearly had a lovely swimming pool in the school last weekend and an extra subject on the curriculum called Aquatics, when the roof leaked a shocking amount of water due to the torrential rain experienced on Friday evening! Luckily our wonderful school cleaner Colm was on hand to sort things out!

The children from 1st up to 6th Classes are busy doing their standardised tests these days and are all doing very well. The results will be a snap shot of where the children are at, at this moment in time, and will be a huge benefit to us going forward BUT these tests are not a true reflection of each child’s enormous ability, so please do not get stressed over them.

The local post office in Bray has asked all schools to let parents and children know that they have new state of the art vans to help deliver the post to all houses and schools and businesses………..but the thing is, that these new vans are electric and completely SILENT!! So we will have to be careful to watch out for them because we will not hear them!

All the children are doing their very best to look after one another and to remember our school motto: ‘If it’s not nice, we don’t do it and if it’s not nice, we don’t say it!’ It is good to be reminded of this motto from time to time.

In the next couple of weeks, you will get your child’s booklists, school calendar and reports. Hopefully, I will also be able to let you know which teacher your child will have next year sooner rather than later, but it is not always easy to confirm this as early as I would like because the final cohort of staff has yet to be confirmed. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Thanks also to the parents who keep in contact with the school and the teachers, discussing various matters which may be of concern to them.  Remember to follow the procedures outlined in the school policy, Parent/Teacher Communication,  available on the school website

Be assured that the Board of Management and myself are working tirelessly trying to sort out the car park issues as well as keeping in contact with Wicklow County Council regarding the pedestrian crossroads and the acquisition of a traffic warden. It is all a work in progress but based around the safety of all the children in Kilmacanogue National School. Thanks for all your support in this matter

Jackie Kinch has been teaching her GAA Skills to the Junior Classes and the children love her enthusiasm and direction. Also, the cubs and the beavers have been attending their very important meetings which have been held on the Astro Pitch in the evenings. I was really impressed when I saw them showing their great discipline and life skills. I am afraid that Ms Murray is a little too old to be a cub or a beaver………maybe a mammoth!!

Watch out for any information on ‘school tours’ and ‘sponsored walks’ and all the other special events planned for the remainder of May and June……exciting times ahead.

We have only a very few short weeks left before our summer holidays. Hold firm and remember to social distance and avoid play dates and wear your face masks and wash your hands!!

You have all done brilliantly so far in helping us keep COVID-19 out of the school.


And now for Ms Murray’s incredibly funny jokes! ???? ????

How does a scientist freshen her breath??…….With experi….mints!!!

What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple??……Finding a half worm!!! Yuck!!

How do you make an octopus laugh??……..With ten…..tickles!!!

(If you have any jokes for Miss Murray, please let me know!!)

Take care and stay safe.

Best wishes always,


Miss Niamh Murray (Principal)

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