Wednesday Newsletter November 20th 2019



 Dear Parents/Guardians and of course Boys and Girls,                               

Well done everyone, for all the great work being done throughout the school. The weather has been miserable and the children have not been able to release their energy out in the play yard but they have been so good staying inside and playing various games chatting to one another and enjoying watching DVDs during the lunchtimes.

The Kilcoole Music Festival is going full blast at this stage and I have to say that the children have been rehearsing so diligently with their poems and songs. We have had great results so far from the various competitions. Some of the children treated one of the Inspectors from the Dept of Education and Skills, who are visiting our school this week to an impromtu rendition of the song ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ as they prepared to go to the competition and he was very impressed.

It is not about the winning or the losing, but it is about the taking part and enjoying the experience of performing a song or a poem in public to an appreciative audience, as I know all too well! I am hoping to organise a little school concert where all the children who took part in the Kilcoole Music Festival will show off their poems and songs.

Preparation Mass for First Holy Communion Second Class will take place this coming Sunday, November 24th, at 10:00am in St Mochonog’s Church, Kilmacanogue. Well done to all the boys and girls who are preparing so well for this very special ceremony.

As mentioned last week the Book Fair which will be taking place from Tuesday November 26th until Friday November 29th. There will be opportunities for all the children to become even more actively engaged in reading all kinds of exciting books. Thanks to the parents for organising this.

That other very special time of the year is fast approaching…..CHRISTMAS! It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating last year’s Christmas! The Christmas Fair is back again due to popular demand. It will be taking place on Sunday December 1st in the school hall from 10:30am until 1:30pm and it would be wonderful if anyone could donate any prizes for the raffle, which could be left up in the school for collection before that day by the committee organising the Christmas Fair. Special thanks to be made to our SNAs Emma Sibley and Eva Hogan along with members of the Parents’ Association who are doing trojan work in putting all this together.

The school will also be open the day before the Fair on Saturday November 30th from 10:00am until 12:00pm for anybody wanting to drop up baked goods or prizes for the raffle. If anyone is interested in setting up their own stall please contact the school on 012861934. Needless to say a very special person will be coming to the Fair……you will recognise him because he will be wearing a bright red outfit and black boots and long white beard.  GUESS!!!

And finally, joke time!

What do you call a dinosaur that keeps sleeping!……A dino….snore!!                 


Niamh Murray (Principal)

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