Wednesday Newsletter September 20th 2017



Happy Wonderful Wednesday Everybody!

It is hard to credit that we are well into our third week back at school! Where has the time gone? There have been exciting things happening in Kilmacanogue National School.

Our Junior Infant boys and girls have settled in really well and are now staying in school until 2pm. They are working so hard and are amazingly well behaved. I am very proud of them.

The GAA football sessions are up and running and everyone involved is enjoying them thoroughly. I am delighted for Dublin that they won the All Ireland Football Championship on Sunday, 17th September but my heart was with Mayo as was Ms McManamon’s! Ah well, there is always next year!!

Last week Captain Liam Daly of the Army No. 1 Band, came to the school and the boys and girls of Third, Fourth and Fifth Classes had great fun learning all about brass instruments as well as playing a number of them. I was amazed at how talented everyone was! I think Kilmacanogue National School could set up its own brass orchestra soon!

On Friday, many children dressed up in wonderful costumes to celebrate Roald Dahl Day. I couldn’t believe how professional the costumes looked, it was like watching the real characters from the books of the great author come to life. You should have seen how well Ms Lynch and Ms Denvir looked in their costumes!

Yesterday, the boys and girls from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes participated in classes given by Ms Broaders who specialises in creating environments in which young people can relax, think positively and have fun. We are so fortunate that she will be coming to our school for the next five Tuesdays. Thanks to Ms McCormack for organising this.

I would personally like to thank all the wonderful staff including our teachers, SNA’s and secretaries in our school who are so supportive and hardworking, and enthusiastically facilitate all the great events happening in Kilmacanogue National School.

I would also like to thank most sincerely everyone who returned the Garda Vetting Forms. I understand completely how annoying it can be filling out forms and I am very grateful to you all because it enables the smoother running of our school knowing that we can call on you to help out at various times of need. The final date for receipt of the forms will be Friday September 29th. Thanks again.

Our current motto which all the children are working on is: If it’s not nice, don’t do it and if it’s not nice, don’t say it.

Time to sign off for now. Let me wish you all another wonderful week and as always be assured of my support and commitment to the community of our school, Kilmacanogue National School.

Niamh Murray (Principal)

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