Wednesday Newsletter February 26th 2020



 Dear Parents/Guardians, Boys and Girls,

Today is the start of Lent and at assembly on Monday, the children learned about the tax collector called Zacchaeus and how he turned away from his bad ways because of his meeting Jesus who forgave him all his sins. Lent is a special time during which we can all look at ourselves and try to be better than we have been in the past. We can also try to be nicer to those around us and to help out at home as well as perhaps give up some treats such as sweets or chocolates.

Fr Hyacinth along with the Pastoral team of Ottalie, Mairead and Breda organised a lovely Mass in St Mochonog’s Church which was attended by 2nd and 6th classes, during which the ashes were distributed. The boys and girls sang beautifully and said their prayers with great respect. After Mass, Ottalie and Mairead came up to the school and distributed the ashes to the children in 3rd, 4th and 5th classes who wished to be blessed with the ashes on their forehead.

A reminder that our Confirmation and Communion dates have been organised. The lovely Ceremony of Light for 6th Class will take place next Thursday March 5th at 7pm in St Mochonog’s Church with Confirmation taking place on Friday March 13th at 11am. The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as the Sacrament of Penance and First Confession, will take place for 2nd Class on Thursday March 19th at 7pm with Communion taking place on Saturday May 16th at 10am. The next preparation Mass for Holy Communion will take place next Sunday March 1st at 10am.

A little request, given that Confirmation is almost upon us. Celia Flynn was wondering whether or not anyone would be free next Monday morning March 2nd at 10am to come and clean and weed and tidy up the Church Grotto before Confirmation. Bring garden tools. Please contact her on 087 0555929. Thanks so much to Celia for all her hard work.

Thanks to the Parents’ Association for organising the evening presented last night, Tuesday 25th, by Dr Bernie Collins and Dr Seline Keating on GEM: Gender Equality Matters. There are lots more evenings and events in the pipeline and it would be wonderful if more parents could support these very worthwhile and informative events.

And now for another of Miss Murray’s exciting jokes!!

Where do you take a sick horse?………..To the horse-pital!!!   

Niamh Murray (Principal)

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