Wednesday Newsletter October 10th 2018



Dear Parents/Guardians,

The dark evenings are certainly closing in but thankfully we have not yet experienced bad weather….so the winter months will be very short! I had a lovely opportunity earlier today to go and see our boys from 3rd and 4th classes playing in their football blitz in Bray Emmet’s. The sun was positively splitting the stones and the boys played really well. The grounds are fabulous and great thanks to Christy Fox for always helping us out whenever we ask.

John Lonergan’s talk last week was very well attended and was full of good advice and humour. Thanks to everyone who came along. One of the many helpful tips he gave was ‘to file things away’…..whenever we are concerned about something just file it away and deal with it at a later stage, especially when it comes to any worries we may have about our children and what they might say or do or not say or do!!

Our school library is up and running each Wednesday and Thursday morning from 9:30am to 10:30am. It is really lovely listening to the excited voices of the children as they read their books to one another, especially the infants! Some could well be reading the Harry Potter books before long!!! Thanks to all our parents/guardians for helping out with such a valuable resource in the school.

Another reminder that for the next couple of weeks there will be an emphasis on handwriting with all the classes joining in to present their best handwriting ever. There will be a competition and an independent assessor will choose the neatest and nicest handwriting from each class at the end of the month. So encourage your child to get practising!!

I am delighted to see the children cycling to school but could I please ask all the boys and girls to make sure not to cycle in the school grounds. There have been a few near misses!! Thank you for your understanding in this.

A reminder that this is the time of the year when anyone wishing to enrol in our school needs to get in contact with the school office for the enrolment details and criteria. Our numbers are increasing year by year and it is important to fill out all necessary forms asap. Forms should be submitted by October 31st for children hoping to attend September 2019.

The school will be closed on October 26th for the Presidential Election.

And now……..Miss Murray’s joke! What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a frog?

A bunny ribbit!!                                                         


Niamh Murray  (Principal)

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