Wednesday Newsletter October 3rd 2018



 Dear Parents/Guardians,

The start of October with the cold days and dark evenings has come upon us, but the beauty of Autumn cannot be denied. The children of Senior Infants have been out and about with their teachers exploring the various changes visible during this lovely time of the year.

Reminder that John Lonergan, the former Governor of Mountjoy Prison, will be coming to the school this Thursday October 4th at 7:30pm, and as already mentioned in other newsletters, his talk will be based on ‘The Rewards and Challenges involved in Parenting in 2018’.

Could anyone who has yet to pay for Book Rental, Art, Insurance etc, please do so asap? Thank you so much for your understanding in our need to have all monies paid at this time of the year.

The Kilmacanogue Cubs are looking for your help! On Sunday, October 21st, following 10am Mass in St. Mocheanog’s Church, Kilmacanogue, there will be a ‘Bake Sale’ in aid of ‘Dogs Trust’. Come along say a prayer then enjoy a cake!!

Our school library will restart this Wednesday, October 3rd, and a letter is attached to the back of this newsletter for anyone willing to help out. Thanks to all our parents/guardians who do so much for their child’s school, Kilmacanogue National School.

For the next couple of weeks there will be an emphasis on handwriting with all the classes joining in to present their best handwriting ever. There will be a competition and an independent assessor will choose the neatest and nicest handwriting from each class at the end of the month. So encourage your child to get practising!!

This is the time of the year when anyone wishing to enrol in our school needs to get in contact with the school office for the enrolment details and criteria. Our numbers are increasing year by year and it is important to fill out all necessary forms asap. Forms should be submitted by October 31st for children hoping to attend September 2019.

And now……..Miss Murray’s joke! What’s a pirate’s favourite letter?…….Arrrrrrrr!!!     

Niamh Murray  (Principal)

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