Wednesday Newsletter February 10th 2021



FEBRUARY 10th  2021

Dear Parents/Guardians and of course Boys and Girls, 

The coming week will see lots of feasts and celebrations taking place as well as a well-earned mid-term break. On Sunday, February 14th, we will be celebrating the feast of St Valentine. No doubt lots of pancakes will be eaten on Pancake Tuesday, February16th, also known as Shrove Tuesday preparing the way for Ash Wednesday which heralds the start of Lent. I think that we can safely say that each of us has given up so much this past year that our celebration of Lent of 2021 should be a celebration and recognition of the care and support and resilience and bravery and fortitude and courage and kindness and love we have shown to each other. We all deserve to be spoilt with everything nice and good!!

A reminder to the Parents/Guardians of the boys and girls of 2nd Class and 6th Class who will be making their First Holy Communion and Confirmation during 2021, dates to be confirmed, to collect their registration forms from the Parish Office in St Kilmacanogue’s Church which is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 1pm. These forms must be completed and returned by March 1st.

Well done to all the children for doing such great work remotely! I have been looking at all the work being submitted via SeeSaw and I am astounded at the quality and amount being uploaded by the boys and girls. Thanks also to all the teachers and SNAs for their great imagination and innovative ideas in delivering the curriculum and instructional videos to their classes during these unique times! It will not be too long now before we are all back in school, so don’t give up now. We are nearly at the finishing line!! WINNERS ALRIGHT!!

And now for a few of Miss Murray’s jokes to celebrate St Valentine’s Day!

What do you call the world’s smallest Valentine’s Day card?

A valen-teeny.

What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?

I’m stuck on you!

What did one volcano say to the other?

I lava you!

Take care everyone, stay safe and remember ALL WILL BE WELL

Miss Niamh Murray (Principal)